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Flexible PCB Jumper Wire Circuit Board Welding 0.2mm Wire-Wrapping Electronic Hookup Wire 30AWG


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PCB Jumper wire Circuit Board Welding 0.2mm Wire-Wrapping Electronic Hookup Wire 30AWG

17.00 SAR 20.00 SAR

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Flexible PCB Jumper Wire Circuit Board Welding 0.2mm Wire-Wrapping Electronic Hookup Wire 30AWG


This 30AWG Welding Cable PCB jumper wire is a top-quality solution for your electronic hookup needs. Crafted with precision and designed for longevity, this wire offers exceptional heat dissipation and durability.

Key Features:

  1. High-Quality Material: Our PCB jumper wire is made from high-quality materials, ensuring long-lasting performance and resistance to deformation. It can withstand the rigours of various electrical applications.
  2. Versatile Use: This wire is ideal for various applications, including welding wires, PCB cables, cable lines, and other electrical wiring systems. Whether you’re working on a PCB, DSLR, computer, printer, or any electronic project, this wire is a reliable choice.
  3. Copper Core with Tinning: The PCB jumper wire features a copper core with a tinned coating, enhancing its electrical conductivity and resistance to corrosion. This ensures consistent and reliable performance.
  4. Optimal Size: With a core cross-sectional area of approximately 0.2 mm square and a conductor diameter of 0.203 mm, this PCB jumper wire is suitable for a wide range of electronic applications. The complete diameter of 0.56 mm strikes the perfect balance between flexibility and durability.
  5. Ample Length: Each spool contains 250 meters of wire, providing you with a generous supply for your projects. The spool itself has a diameter of 70 mm and a thickness of 34 mm for convenient storage.

Whether you’re a professional technician or an electronics enthusiast, this 30AWG Welding PCB jumper wire is an excellent choice for your electronic hookup and wiring needs. Its high-quality construction and versatility make it a valuable addition to your toolkit, ensuring reliable connections and successful projects.


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How to use: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zPReH_R_xHI&pp=ygUQSnVtcGVyIENhYmxlIHBjYg%3D%3D